The USAble MCO is the largest and most comprehensive managed care organization in Arkansas.

USAble MCO, a wholly owned subsidiary of Arkansas Blue Cross Blue Shield, is approved to operate through certification by the Arkansas Workers’ Compensation Commission (AWCC). According to the AWCC Rule 33, contracting with a managed care organization such as ours, gives an insurance carrier or employer who is self-insured for workers’ compensation the opportunity to assist an employee in selecting their treating physician(s) and guiding their treatment with doctors who are contracted with the MCO’s PPO network. This ability to steer will ensure the employer that the injured workers is being given medical care in the most cost-effective manner.
Since its inception in 1996, USAble MCO has proven itself to be the premier MCO for workers’ compensation in the state of Arkansas. Through the association with CompBR, USAble MCO can offer all MCO services required by the AWCC’s Rule 33. USAble MCO customers are able to access medical cost savings by either fully participating in the MCO or by accessing the True Blue PPO only.